Guns Don’t Kill People. I Do.
Gotta love UHF. One of my favorite movies of all time. Funny of course, but I think there’s a simple point here. Which is that it’s the person responsible, not the gun.
This is a discussion we’ve had as a crew at the firehouse several times since the last school shooting, and I happen to really agree with my captain on this one.
We protect our money in armored trucks with armed security guards. We protect our courthouses with metal detectors and security guards. So the solution is simple. Schools need to have armed security guards and guns. If we’re not willing to let that happen, at least allow the teachers who want to, to apply, participate in training, and carry arms on campus. No, not every teacher will be comfortable with this and not every teacher needs to be armed, but even if only 10% of teachers carry arms, it’d be enough to respond and minimize the casualties, or better yet, ward off the gunman out of fear in the first place. The answer to these mass school shootings isn’t to be more strict with gun control. The answer is more guns! Spoken like a devout Republican….
Yes, it’s a common myth that Switzerland requires it’s citizens to be armed. But Switzerland’s gun laws are still pretty awesome. Granted, I may be comparing apples to oranges here with two very different cultures and a country with citizens who are armed with a purpose of serving as the country’s militia. I think the larger, and much more diverse, US population would prevent such a plan from working. However, Switzerland’s gun laws are surprisingly effective against crime and should be studied to see where some of those ideas could be modeled and molded to fit into our laws. Then again, I feel the same way about prostitution, polygamy and our health care system (and the Republican in me is suddenly gone). We don’t need to reinvent the wheel every time, lets just take the best of everything and run with it.